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News — when can chicks leave the brooder

Transitioning Baby Chicks to The Open Field

Posted by Critter Depot on

Understanding the Right Age for Transitioning Baby chicks are born without the ability to regulate their body temperature efficiently. For the first few weeks of life, they rely on external heat sources to keep warm. Typically, this comes from a heat lamp in a brooder. Here's a rough age-based guide: 0-1 Week: Chicks need the temperature to be around 90-95°F. 1-2 Weeks: 85-90°F. 2-3 Weeks: 80-85°F. 3-4 Weeks: 75-80°F. 4-5 Weeks: 70-75°F. By the time chicks reach 5-6 weeks, they often have enough feathers to regulate their body temperature without the help of a heat source, especially in mild climates....

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