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How to Use Worm Castings in a Garden

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How To Add Worm Castings Into A Garden If you’re looking for ways to improve your garden’s health and the quality of your veggies, look no further than worm castings. Worm castings are a cheap, easy way to promote soil health and grow better plants. We’ve put together the “what’s”, the “why’s”, and the “how’s” to help you improve your garden’s health right here. Let’s dig in. What Are Worm Castings? To put it in the simplest possible terms, worm castings is just another way of saying “worm poop”. Castings are the products of the worm’s digestive process. They’re also...

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DIY Compost Bin with Composting Grubs

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DIY Black Soldier Fly Compost Bin What if you could have a compost bin that could do way more than just process your kitchen scraps? What if, for example, it also produced liquid fertilizer and feed for your chickens, reptiles, and other pets? If that sounds too good to be true, we’ve got great news. You can accomplish all that with hardly any effort by making a compost bin designed specifically for black soldier fly larvae. It’s cheap, easy, and does the hard work itself. Let’s find out how. What are Your Composting Goals? With our black soldier fly compost...

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Black Rat Snake Care Guide

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Black Rat Snake Care Guide What's a Black Rat Snake? It’s not uncommon in some parts of the US for a farmer to stick their hand into a dark chicken nest box to collect eggs, only to feel them moving!  It’s generally not the eggs themselves, but rat snakes. This species has a thing for chicken eggs and will not think twice before using their climbing abilities to reach the nest box. While all rat snake species do this, the Texas rat snake is known to have a special fondness for freshly laid eggs.  They will quickly swallow whole eggs...

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Superworms vs Mealworms - What's the Difference?

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Superworms Vs Mealworms When it comes to your regular feeder insect, it is very important to ensure that the species you choose will be fulfilling the needs of your leopard gecko, bearded dragon, or other insect-eating pet!  In this article, we directly compare Superworms and Mealworms by looking at their protein, fat, mineral, and fiber content. Plus, we look at which insect your pet will prefer and how you can incorporate different insects into a more-balanced and engaging diet! Nutritional Profile Experts suggest that the following nutritional profile is optimal for most insectivorous and carnivorous reptiles and amphibians: Typical Carnivorous Reptile Diet...

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Which are the Best Live Feeder Insects?

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The nutritional profile of an insectivorous lizard (like a leopard gecko) should be balanced in the range below: Typical Carnivorous Reptile Diet High in Protein (30-60%) High in Fat (40-70%) Low carbohydrates and Indigestible Fiber Other, omnivorous species, have slightly different dietary requirements. However, the insects they eat should be close to this composition for maximum benefits! The high protein allows your pet to build new cells, repair injuries, and create new proteins. The fat serves as a major energy source - eventually being turned into energy for each cell in your pet’s body! Here's how the most common feeder insects compare...

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