News — vermicomposting
The Nutritional Benefits of Worm Castings
Posted by Feeder Crickets on
Why Worm Castings Can Be a Gardener’s Best Friend Vermicomposting is becoming pretty common among gardeners in-the-know. And for good reason. Not only can you recycle some of the waste from your kitchen, but the benefits of worm castings are that they are excellent fertilizers. That’s not just information from people who like composting worms; it’s a basic fact that their benefits are extraordinary. Worm castings is a more polite way to say worm poop. And basically, as a worm tunnels through the soil, they will eat decaying organic material, digest it, and transform it into nutritionally rich fertilizer for your lawn and garden. ...
STOP! Don't feed your worms these 6 killer foods!
Posted by Feeder Crickets on
What Not to Feed Your Composting Worms If you’re interested in raising worms for compost, you’ve probably heard the laundry list of things not to feed to your worms. This can be a bit confusing for those who don’t understand why, after all, won’t they eat just about anything? The truth is that they won’t and that some food scraps simply shouldn’t be added to your composting setup. But Why? The simple answer is that the addition of the wrong things to your worm’s feeding can result in massive die-offs which will both halt your composting and begin to release...
How to Compost with Worms using the Worm Factory 360
Posted by Feeder Crickets on
Experience the Easiest Vermicomposting with the Worm Factory 360 Vermicomposting seems to be all the rage right now, and for good reason. The ability to turn home waste into high-quality casting-enriched compost is a wonderful addition to any home. This nutritious soil can make a fantastic addition to your garden but constructing your own vermicomposting unit can take valuable time and know-how that not everyone possesses. Enter the Worm Factory 360, which makes the whole process amazingly simple even for the most inexperienced person. What could be easier than adding trash and worms to a ready-built unit? The Design The...