Bearded Dragon Cost - The Critter Depot
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How Much Does a Bearded Dragon Cost? Table of Contents Upfront Costs Owning a pet is a responsibility. And this responsibility incurs both monthly and annual costs for the expected and unexpected needs of the pet. Bearded Dragons are not the most expensive nor difficult of reptile pets. But they do require TLC to ensure their health and happiness. They are a good pet for a beginner. But caring for your bearded dragon will require forethought and a certain amount of resources for the set up. These resources can be costly. But it's a noble expense to ensure the health and happiness...
How to Fish for Largemouth Bass - The Critter Depot
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How to Catch Largemouth Bass Table of Contents Largemouth Bass Habitat The largemouth bass may be the most popular gamefish in all of North America. The largemouth covers all habitats from Mexico to the far north. In fact, the only region they are not located is in the state of Alaska. These fish are also found in many different types of water and ecosystems. Bass can be found in huge man-made reservoirs, natural lakes, rivers, streams, and ponds. All these factors lend themselves to the largemouth bass sitting on the throne of the most popular game fish in North America....
Green Iguana Care Guide - The Critter Depot
Posted by Feeder Crickets on
Green Iguana Care Guide Table of Contents Introduction to Green Iguanas These creatures are the mood rings of the reptile world. Yes, they are generally green, especially those from central America as opposed to the browner Mexico locales. But this can change with mood, environment and health. A brilliant green is not necessarily the happiest or healthiest of iguanas, but it might be! Part of the fun and challenge of this species is knowing their individual personalities and needs, and no two are alike. Adult males grow to approximately 6-7 feet in length and adult females are two thirds that...
Green Tree Python Care Guide
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Green Tree Python Care Guide Table of Contents Introduction to Green Tree Pythons There are few other snakes that will receive more nervous glances from guests than the green tree python. They look more deadly than the truly venomous green tree viper. But in reality, they are harmless. These arboreal snakes do spend a great deal of time in trees, but are active animals that need space to move and groove on the ground as well. Although a bright neon green is a predominant color in adults, they can also come in a wide variety of other colors. Many breeders...
Tiger Salamander Care Guide & Habitat Set up - The Critter Depot
Posted by Feeder Crickets on
Tiger Salamander Care Guide Table of Contents Introduction to Tiger Salamanders These friendly and interesting amphibians come in a variety of colors, from bright creamy yellow stripes on a dark brown or black background, to pure blue-gray, and even black with orange spots. Even within races, the variety of colors and markings can be surprising from individual to individual. Some races are made up of populations of aquatic adults that look very similar to their close relative, the axolotlmbystoma mexicanum, but the most popular varieties resemble the more terrestrial Ambystoma tigrinum, which usually sports bright yellow stripes and blotches...