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Don't Feed These Items To Your Red Wigglers

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Why You Shouldn't Feed Animal Products to Red Wigglers People engage in vermicomposting for the benefits of worm castings.  But without enough research one might think that their worms are an absolute cure-all for all the waste in their kitchen. This isn’t quite correct, there’s a laundry list of things that you don’t want to include in your worm bin. Foremost among those talked about are animal products like meat and dairy, although there’s rarely an explanation given. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you don’t want to feed this sort of waste into your vermicomposting unit....

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The Optimal Mealworm Diet for Optimal Mealworm Health

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The Optimal Diet for Your Mealworms Health You don't need a rainbow mealworms coupon.  If you’ve begun the easy task of breeding your own mealworms, you might be wondering how to keep them as healthy as possible. After all, healthier mealworms are better for the things that eat them and your pets can benefit greatly from having these already nutritious worms in peak health before they get eaten. Let’s take a look at some of the best things that you can feed your worms, ensuring they go beyond just being a healthy snack and can take your pet’s health to...

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How to Keep your Red Wigglers, Crickets, Euro Nightcrawlers, Mealworms, and Superworms alive during the HEAT

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How to Keep Your Bugs and Pinhead Crickets Alive Through Blazing Summers Remember, we have red wiggler worms for sale.  But, not all of us who raise crickets (like Ghanns crickets for Flukers crickets) or red wigglers have the perfect climate, and they can be quite sensitive to temperatures. Keeping things in the ideal range will ensure that your bugs are still breeding properly, stay healthy, and in extreme cases staying alive. We’re here to show you a few simple ways that you can maintain your hobby in even the most extreme climates. How Hot is Too Hot? The temperatures...

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This Is How Mealworms Will Save The World

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Image courtesy of CNN. Mealworms, Plastic, and the Environment It turns out that mealworms are more than just the occasional snack for our scaled friends, they might also be able to help with a huge environmental problem. Recently it’s been discovered that mealworms can actually eat plastic, specifically polystyrene, which means that we may need to re-think the way that we look at these already-interesting beetle larvae. The Problem If you’ve ever lived in a city, you’ve seen part of this problem. Styrofoam cups and plates abound just about everywhere and they cause quite a mess. Even worse, few facilities...

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How to Make The Perfect Cricket Habitat

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The Ideal Cricket Habitat Includes Bedding, Nutrition, and Plenty of TLC. Raising crickets to feed your reptiles and pets is everyone's greatest desire.  But knowing what's required for a perfect cricket habitat is a major challenge.  The house cricket, or Achetus domesticus, is a hearty little insect.  But if you’re interested in raising them to be the healthiest little arthropods you’ve ever seen there’s a number of factors to keep in mind. Healthier crickets make better meals for your pets, and reduce the amount of work you’ll have to do with your colony since there’ll be fewer of them dying. Let’s...

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